oh wait, no.
It is Tuesday, and I am on day 5 of my Road Trip from San Diego to Canada and back! I promised my dad I'd post pictures and keep everyone up to date on my travels, but I haven't had time and internet at the same time until now.
As of today I have traveled 1,263 miles and been in my car for 24 hours.
I've crossed California, Oregon, and I'm just 109 miles shy of crossing Washington.
Its been a beautiful trip so far.
Day 1: With Tina Fey's Bossypants on audio, 6.5 hours just rolled by and brought me to Fresno with my good friend Phyllis, and her beautiful family. See below. They really are gorgeous people, inside and out. This picture was taken early the morning I left. I didn't even give them a chance to brush their hair or teeth, although you would never know by looking at this pic except that I just told you. I missed Phoebe's birthday party by a few hours, but I had a long drive ahead of me. Happy Birthday little one!
Day 2: I headed off to Ashland, Oregon listening to World War Z on audio. I had 9.5 hrs to drive, so I'm glad I had a good book to listen to. It was rainy on the way, as expected, but driving through winding roads through mountains while it pours was scarier than I thought!
I took it slow, Dad, and I was careful, Dad, and I'm glad I had a good car and new tires. (Thank you to my stepmom, Tey, who let me borrow her car, and my brother who insisted I get new tires.)
A quick detour in Old Sacramento.
The picture below is somewhere in the middle of California. I knew there was trouble up ahead. Those clouds didn't mess around, and they dumped rain on me for about 4 hours.
More rain as I fill up near Mt. Shasta.
I was greeted in Ashland by a stunning rainbow, a fabulous place to stay right in the middle of Ashland, and tickets to see two shows at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. I saw Unfortunates and The Taming of the Shrew. Both were great productions. The Unfortunates however took me into a different world. It used theatrical elements in the most creative ways. The story could not be told as in any other medium but theatre, so I loved it!
This visit was made possible by Wind and his sister Jackie. Thank you both!
On my walk to breakfast I ran into a family of deer just hanging out in someone's front yard!
Day 3: On Sunday morning I made the 5 hour drive across Oregon, and arrive with an old friend, and his family. This is the perfect picture of little Tory, because that boy is all cheeks...and giggles...cheeks and giggles galore. It is adorable.
More on Portland and Seattle later. Right now, I must go hike!